You might have guessed…I love words. I’ve loved them for a long time. When I was in first grade, my teacher was Miss Diserens, and she helped me to LOVE school! My mom remembers one day when I came home from school and, in telling her about my day, I used an uncharacteristically large word. She said, “Karen, do you know what that word means?” I replied, “No ma’am, but my friends don’t either, and they think I’m smart!” I’m unsure how long it took my friends to “catch on” to me, but thankfully, they never quit being my friends, and we are still friends to this day.
As we adapt to the “new normal” of our world, I must admit there are a few words I’m already tired of. Words like unprecedented, pandemic, corona and Covid. When you think about it, our new normal also brings some funny moments. For instance, whoever thought we would be ASKED to wear a mask into a bank?
Around our house, laughter is a daily occurrence. In fact, if you know my sweet Wes, you know he’s very quiet, but when he gets really tickled, he has a laugh that lifts your spirit! Early in our marriage, I made it my goal to make him laugh every day. Some days I have to work at it, and some days I don’t. Recently, I had a “wasn’t trying to” moment. We were getting in the car, and I told Wes I needed my purse. He watched me run in the house, come out of the house, go to the car and by the time I got back in the car, I had three purses. He looked at me and started laughing, “Weren’t sure which one you needed?” I was forced to explain that the first bag had some of what I wanted but the second purse had my keys in it which I needed to open the car so I could get the purse that had what I really needed. He said, “I think that’s a publisher column on our new normal.”
I’m honestly not sure I can blame that on Covid, but I think I will. After all, you’re my friends, and you think I’m smart. Right?