Let’s HOLD IT Together!


Let’s HOLD IT Together!

What a month!  When I was single, I worked for a company that required a great deal of travel. I remember one month in Illinois when I walked into the newspaper staff room and asked WHY anyone would choose to live in a place with so much snow and ice and wind every day.  I think, after this past month, they might ask me a similar question!  Between a hurricane, extended power outages, and our lovely heat and humidity, I think many would wonder why in the world we choose to live here.  Well, I will tell you.  It’s Texas.  And there’s nowhere else on earth I would rather call home.

If you want to know you live in a good place, think about this: last week, Wes and I were out to lunch, and two DPS troopers were lunching at the same location.  When we checked out, Wes asked to pick up their check, only to be told it was already handled.  Let me just tell you, when people in your community are jostling to see who gets to pay a first responder’s check, you live in a good place!

Recently, in a conversation with a colleague while talking about what we do, he said, “You know what the definition of magazine is, right? It’s a holder of things.”  I did some research and found the historical definition of magazine came to English via the Middle French word “magasin” and the Italian “magazzino.” In its original sense, the word “magazine” referred to a storage space or device. The Arabic makhāzin means “depot or storehouse.”

A holder of things.  That is what we do here at Postcards Magazine.  We collect and share the good things about our communities. We store them in print and online on our website so they are easily accessible.  We love being a depot of positive news about good people.  We appreciate the history of our great state and the many talented people who make it so.  We share that, too.  We share your lives because you are kind and trusting enough to share them with us, and you will never know what an honor that is for our entire family.

Keep making our communities awesome and support our local businesses.  They are the gears that keep us all turning.

Until next time,

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