A Friend I’ve Never Met


There is so much going on during the months of May and June! High school seniors are ready for graduation, and children are anxious for school to dismiss for the summer. For me, May and June always make me think of my parents, not only because of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, but because both of my parents also have their birthdays during those months. My mother celebrates her birthday in May, and my dad celebrates his in June. When we were growing up it seemed like the entire month was “theirs!” (My husband can now thank them for my feeling that I have a birthday “month!”)

And speaking of parents, I am excited to introduce you to a very special person – my friend, Trish Verfurth. Trish and I have never met in person, but I feel as though I know her well. In December of 2007, I began to pray for Trish’s son, Evan, after receiving an email about a 3-year-old boy in Dallas who was very ill with bacterial meningitis and was fighting for his life. For 14 days, they were unsure whether Evan would live or die. Evan did live, but the disease caused extensive damage to the right side of his brain. Over the past four years, I have kept up with Trish’s journey with Evan and her other two children through the Caring Bridge web site. We have emailed each other from time to time, and recently she shared some thoughts in one of her posts that really touched me. I asked for her permission to publish it and am delighted to share it with you in our Mustard Seed Moments on page 62. This is an excerpt from her email answering my request: “In the past four years, my life has completely changed. I no longer see life through my eyes, but rather with my heart. Evan’s struggles have saved my soul. I owe it to him and God to let the world know that God does indeed exist and that He does love us unconditionally.” Trish has been an incredible encouragement to so many as she has walked this road, and I am proud be able to honor her in some small way this Mother’s Day.

As we begin our second year of publishing this magazine, I remain amazed at the number of comments that we get DAILY regarding how much you, our readers, are enjoying it, so (yet again) thank you! And remember – please thank our advertisers!

Until next time ~ Karen