Texas Talent: Aaron Watson


According to his website, Aaron Watson has been through a lot in his 15-year career: twelve albums, the birth of four children, countless hours on the road, and many more still spent toiling away at his guitar, writing songs. But in 2011, the music nearly stopped for this lone star legend from Amarillo, Texas. Watson and wife Kimberly lost a daughter, Julia Grace, shortly after her birth. And this man, who lives and breathes his craft, fell silent.  His faith saw him through this valley, and he continues to bless his fans with music.  Watson has accumulated many accolades and critical accomplishments over the course of his career; including selling over 150,000 records, seven #1 singles on the Texas Music Chart, and 4 albums that debuted on the Billboard charts.  After meeting Watson at a concert, Postcards writer Abby Altom arranged an interview.

I hear your nickname is “The Honky Tonk Kid.” Where did that come from?

In the beginning when I was going to ACU (Abilene Christian University), I was playing in a bunch of these band halls… There were a couple of times radio DJs would comment about if I was even old enough to get into these places. Someone called me “The Honky Tonk Kid”…it kinda just stuck. Later, I wrote a song called “The Honky Tonk Kid.” I thought, “It’s a cool title; I’ll write a song about beginnings and me getting started.” I looked at Willie Nelson’s career