Blessings Big and Small


Blessings Big and Small

As I begin this new year, I admit I am still thinking about Christmas cards.  The reason? Thanks to them, I begin this year with a strong sense of gratitude.  While addressing Christmas cards this year, I thought of each person(s) and the role they have played in my life.  Some, I have known since childhood.  Some, I met in my job traveling the country before Wes and I married. Many are friends we have made over the last 30+ years, but all are incredibly special to us and are counted as blessings.  It also leaves me to wonder who I may address a card to next year that I do not yet know.  New friends to be made…how much fun to think of that!

The other reason I am still thinking about Christmas cards is because this year, we decided to only use our three grandsons for the photo (instead of the entire family). The most important reason for that is we never got around to taking the entire family picture, AND you grandparents know…those kiddos are just the cutest!  We have giggled a little (ok, a lot) as our own children have made comments like, “Guess now we’re just chopped liver,” and “Nevermind about your OWN kids!”  Heehee. They’ll understand one of these days…but I will plan to have a family photo earlier in 2024 so they will not have to start therapy!

We once again thank you as we begin this year.  Thank you for the time you spend with us each month. Thank you for supporting the advertisers who make this possible. They are our heroes, because they believe in what we do and are investing in helping us keep our community connected.  Please let them know you appreciate them, too!  I believe strong communities stay that way by helping each other.  Here’s to a wonderful year.  We wish you and your family all the best!

Happy New Year,