D is for Dads…who make a Difference.


Father’s Day rolls around this month, and I am always reminded of the family heritage I share because of my dad and our birth surname of Stevens. My brothers and I have always been proud of that name and what it stands for.

In our issue this month, we highlight another dad who stepped up to make a difference in an area that impacted the lives of all his family members. Kevin Black and another dad, his friend Dave Clements, chose to triumph in light of tragedy, and we are excited to share that story with you—plus, you have an opportunity to be a continuing part of this story and share in the triumph as well.

June also means summer is here, and temperatures will be on the rise. Do your best to stay cool and have some indoor fun. Check out our Just for Fun feature this month and find out a new/old way to get that much-needed exercise, along with making some new friends in the process!

And, speaking of keeping cool…how about paying a visit to our advertisers? You can probably find the perfect Father’s Day gift for your dad or husband or significant other—plus, you will find out what your neighbors have to offer! It’s a great way to support each other in these communities we call “HOME.” Be sure to tell them Postcards sent you!

Until next time ~ Karen