December Already?


I have probably said this before, and I’m sure I will say it again. I have no idea how a year can go by so fast! I remember my grandparents and parents both telling me that the older you get, the faster time seems to go–boy, were they right!

It’s the time of year to think about HOME.

The thoughts and memories evoked by that one word are too numerous to count. For some of you, your thoughts went immediately to visualize the home in which you grew up. For others, you may have thought about those who are coming home to where you live now and the family, friends, and children who will be arriving soon to help celebrate the holidays.

Over the years, the word “home” has meant different things to me. While in college, I immediately thought of my hometown. When I was traveling for work in my twenties, to hear someone say “home”, meant Texas! Through the years, the PLACE of my home has changed, but there’s always been a constant…the people who MAKE it home. Whether going “home” to Mama and Daddy’s house or coming “home” to be with my husband and our children, home is where my family is. The truth of the old saying “Home is where the Heart is” takes on a more precious meaning every year.

During this month, I am also reminded of the One who left His home to be born a human so that we can someday be Home with Him. As I grow older, and more and more of those precious to me go on ahead, that idea of Home – our final Home – gets sweeter and sweeter.

Thank you for being a member of our Postcards family! And from our family to yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas!

Until next time ~ Karen

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