Fall is in the Air!


I know I’ve told you before, but I love this time of year.  Have you noticed fall even smells different?  It’s the time of year I pull out all the candles with scents and names like Harvest, Baked Apple, Cinnamon & Spice, Pumpkin Latte, etc.   It’s time to get my guys to pull all my harvest themed décor from the attic and decorate for the season (they spend a lot of time in the attic for me from now through January)!

As the days get shorter and schedules get adjusted to school and fall activities, it’s also a time we tend to be with our loved ones just a little bit more.  I encourage you to check out some of the really neat things to do in our area on the calendar of events printed in the back of this issue.

NEW this month to our PostcardsLive.com website is our ONLINE CALENDAR.  This allows readers to keep up with events all over the state.  With one click you can access information about the event and even go to that website.  Another feature we offer is the ability to subscribe to the calendar as a whole or just for certain areas of the state if you’re interested in receiving updates as we update the site!

We continue to work daily to make your community magazine something you enjoy in print AND online!

Fall is here!  I encourage you to enjoy spending time together this season with those you love.  Take in a football game or just play a game of cards at home, but do it with those you care about.  Life is short, and those are the moments we never regret.

Until next time ~ Karen