Family Matters


Family Matters

Our family is rolling full-force into the Christmas season, having just enjoyed a time of Thanksgiving.  The holidays bring us into close proximity with our immediate and extended family.  I know some readers do not have the same type of family relationships as others.  Over the years, I have heard so many (good and bad) stories, and I am always reminded of the doormat I once had that said, “Everyone who passes through this door brings joy.  Some by entering, and some by leaving!”

This magazine is a family venture.  I had the God-given idea, and my sweet husband backed me up and signed on as our editor, working nights and weekends around his other full-time job.  Our children, Abby and Marshall, were in high school, and they also were part of our team as we started.  They began by helping with rack deliveries, photography, and writing.  Son Marshall worked with us through college, until he married and went to work in the financial industry for four years.  Even then, he still worked with us part-time, like his Dad once had.  

As we enter this season of family togetherness, Wes and I are excited to announce we have hired Marshall back full-time as our Operations Manager.  With three magazines, our advertising agency, and a new digital advertising arm of our company, we saw the need for the help!  You may see him around “tending to business,” so feel free to congratulate him.  Who knows? One of these days, his boys may be making rack deliveries, too!

In addition to those of us who are blood-related, there are a lot of people who work hard together every month to bring you this magazine.  They are truly our Postcards family, and we love each and every one.  

To you, our loyal readers, advertisers, friends, and colleagues, our family wishes you a Merry Christmas and all the joys of the season!