For Every Action…


For Every Action…

One of the flaws in human nature, at least in our culture and time, seems to be a tendency to be more reactive than proactive.  I consider this a flaw–because we are created in His image, we too often fail to take action as His hands and feet; we don’t effectively embrace the example He so often sets by actively pursuing and proactively showering us with blessings.

Being habitually reactive can lead to being reaction-ary.  Look no further than social media for your daily overdose of examples.  By their nature, social media posts are designed to gain a “reaction,” and this inevitably and quickly seems to deteriorate into reactionary bickering of some form or another.  Some seem to be eagerly awaiting an opportunity to pounce on another with the extremity of their response.

This brought to my mind the words of Proverbs 29:18: “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”  It makes sense to my logical brain that having vision would be a prerequisite to being proactive in following the example set for us.

Here are some additional translations of this verse to digest and mediate on:

If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed.             MSG

Where there is no message from God, people don’t control themselves. But blessed is the one who obeys wisdom’s instruction.                         NIRV

Where there is no vision from God, the people run wild, but those who adhere to God’s instruction know genuine happiness.                          VOICE

God, bring us to realize the only actions and reactions we control are our own.  Help us to embrace a vision that compels us to act in positive ways, rather than react in negative ones.