Grace and Gravity


I heard a preacher make a comparison recently.  He said grace is a gift given by God to those of faith.  Once it is given, it BECOMES a given…as certain as gravity.

What a profound thought! As sure as the power which binds us to the earth is the power of our maker to cleanse us—so He can one day overcome that very certain earthly bond He created and draw us into His presence.

We don’t walk around fearing gravity will suddenly give way and send us hurtling into space; we can have the same assurance that sin cannot win—like the words of Paul, “His grace is sufficient.”  The weaker we are, the stronger we become…through grace.

Through our faith, Christ has brought us into that blessing of God’s grace that we now enjoy. Where sin increased, there was even more of God’s grace. Sin once used death to rule us. But God gave us more of his grace so that grace could rule by making us right with him. And this brings us eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. ~Romans 5:2, 20-21