

These last few weeks have been filled with graduations. College, high school, 8th grade, and all the way down to Kindergarten and Pre-K. So much fun has been had as family and friends have gathered to say congratulations and well done!

This past week, I found out that we were “graduating” too, and I hadn’t even realized it! The awesome staff we have at Postcards Magazine has been preparing for the past several months for our launch to a monthly magazine. That’s right! The issue you are now holding is the LAST bi-monthly magazine Postcards will publish. Starting in September, we will be arriving in your mailbox around the first of each month…every month!

[custom_frame_left shadow=”on”][/custom_frame_left]One of our favorite things about putting together this magazine is hearing from each of you. One of our very special readers wrote in to renew his subscription to Postcards and to congratulate us on “graduating” to a monthly magazine!  It was really the first time I had thought about this step as a commencement – though it certainly is. Just like those students who stand on the brink of something new and sometimes uncertain, we also find ourselves looking at something new and uncertain.  The things that make it ok, though, are what we can be certain about.

We are certain you will encourage us.  You always have – with kind words, great story ideas, and the joy you’ve shared with your photos and stories.

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We are certain you will continue to support our advertisers. They tell us you do, and we will certainly continue to remind you that Postcards is here only because of them.  Local businesses are the heartbeat of a community, and it is so important we use their services and shop in their stores as often as we can.

And finally, we are certain this entire venture was an idea from and a gift from God that He has entrusted us with. You can be certain WE won’t forget that.

So, as we graduate to the next step, we continue to stand in awe and be thankful to each and every one of you – readers, advertisers, and friends.

Until next time  ~  Karen