Health Matters: Let’s Address and Outguess the Stress of the COVID Mess


When we experience major second-rate lifestyle changes, the body’s reaction is STRESS. Stress can be motivating to act, as in work situations, but when significant stress lingers, it results in depression and can damage health. The stressed body becomes awash in harmful hormones. Social distancing has altered the lives of many Americans more than ever before (not to mention the virus and unceasing negative news barrages).

Foremost, we need accurate reasoning for perspective. Recall your roughest times, how you persisted, and arose stronger afterward. As notable minister Robert Schuller said, “Tough times never last, but tough people do.” AMEN

Carefully follow guidelines for avoiding COVID. Then take heart that, having done all you can, your chances of becoming sick are insignificant, and worrying will not help. It might even lower your immunity (which you do not want).

Laughter emits feel-good hormones (termed endorphins) which counteract harmful stress hormones. GO AWAY! Scientific studies revealed depression and stress were reduced after laughter classes. BENEFICIAL!

Scientific studies also show effectiveness from stress buster mindfulness. Find a quiet spot, sit upright, place hands on lap, close eyes, and concentrate on your body sensations. Feel your chest lifting as breath enters your nose then lungs and feel an unhurried exhale.

Feel your feet and proceed up the body concentrating on different areas. Try this for several minutes until your mind is at peace.

If your gym is closed, exercise regularly by walking, jogging, or bicycling in your neighborhood. Keep your core strong (which keeps posture decent) by plank exercises. See the web and start carefully. Do chores such as yard work or gardening. Read books or do puzzles. The mood is better when active. KEEP OCCUPIED!

Restrain the COVID news you read or watch; much does not apply to those remaining healthy by appropriate protective measures. CDC and medical schools are good info sites, but much other is often distorted.

Studies conclude religious participation has protective effects in times of stress caused by negative life events. STRESS BEGONE!