I’m a Calendar Girl!


I’m a Calendar Girl!

February is here…the month of Valentine’s Day…also known as the holiday all new year dieters despise, because the chocolates and candies appear in every store aisle about ten minutes after you’ve made your New Year’s resolutions!

I’m not sure about you, but the calendar is incredibly important in my world.  In fact, before I go to sleep at night, one of the things I do is check to see what is on the calendar for tomorrow.  We often share with team members who join Postcards to be prepared never to know what month they are in.  For example, here I am during the second week of January writing the February column and working on March and April magazines.  No wonder I have to check my schedule!

The other thing about schedules is they are constantly in flux.  In fact, 2023 will be the year of two Christmases for our family. We will have one in January and one in December. (At least we are planning one in December.)  Of course, we planned for one in December 2022 as well, and thanks to schedule changes and illnesses, it didn’t happen. In fact, as I pen this column, we are anticipating Christmas with our children and grandchildren now only one week away.  Yesterday, one of my friends asked me if our grandson liked a gift she knew was under the tree for him.  I replied, “I have no idea. He hasn’t seen it yet!”  It is also possible (wink, wink) that my children may have Valentine candy hearts in their Christmas stockings… but hey, that can just be another memory to laugh about, right?

Speaking of calendars, it is good to again see events coming out of post-Covid hibernation, and fun to make plans to attend those.  Be sure to check out our calendar pages in the back to see what kind of neat things might be in store for you and yours.  If you don’t see anything that tickles your fancy, then flip through and find one of our amazing advertisers you have never visited and stop by.  If you can’t stop by, then call them and let them know you appreciate what they do to make Postcards possible.  We sure do!

Until next time,