It Happened on the Way…


It happens often, and it’s one of my favorite things.

Sometimes it happens in the grocery store.  It often happens when we gather with friends or family…happens a lot at church as well.

It usually happens with people I know, but sometimes it happens with those I don’t.  Last week, it happened on the way to a meeting, when I was walking down the hall in an office building.

A man passed me and smiled as he looked at the name embroidered on my shirt.  He stopped and said, “Hey, what do you do for Postcards?”  Those who know me know I tend to be very upfront, but it was one of those moments when, as a business owner, you wonder if you want to admit you’re the owner or just say you work there!  I didn’t know him, I didn’t know what was coming, and I wasn’t sure how long this might take!  So, I replied with just a hint of a question in my voice – “Well, I own it.”

And then it happened.  Something that had never happened before.

This man, a total stranger, looked at me and said, “Well, come here and give me a hug!”   So I did.

He then told me how much he appreciates and enjoys our magazine,  how much he likes our features, and how “Mustard Seed Moments” is one of his favorite things to read.  He also told me what a good job we do with the advertising.  He said we had such a great variety, and he always learns about new businesses through what we provide each month.

I thanked him and told him he had most certainly just made my day, then I asked if I might know his name.  I mean, after all, we HAD just hugged!

Sometimes it happens when people recognize my picture from this column.  Sometimes it’s a stranger, and sometimes it’s a friend.  But trust me, EVERY time you let us know you appreciate what we do…it’s special!

Until next time ~ Karen

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