Picture Perfect


Picture Perfect

Over the last couple of months, we have been receiving entries for the annual Postcards Cover Photo contest.  As a group, this is one of our favorite things we do, and this year we had twice as many entries as last year!  We will share the winners in next month’s issue.  Right now, I am on the edge of my seat, because the judges are perusing and choosing, and we are awaiting their decisions and ranking.  It is an exciting time!

As we looked over all the entries preparing them for the judges, I was struck by the way people see different things. When peering through a lens, each photographer selects a different point of focus.  There were photos submitted unlike anything I would have probably ever photographed, yet each was beautiful and unique in its own way.  Some were very close up, some were distant. Some gave us pause as we tried to see what the photographer saw to qualify them for the category submitted.  Some were quirky and fun, some serious and ethereal; but all were appreciated.

It made me think about how we all look at life through different lenses. Some lenses are experience, some are heritage, some are family, some are friends; but all are very real to each of us.  Much like our contest, when they all come together, it is quite something to behold!  I think how boring our event would be if every entry were of bees.  I am sure they would all “bee” lovely, but the lack of variety might become a little tiresome!

I think it is the same way with community.  Our little piece of Texas is made up of a wide variety of folks who each see life through their own lens, yet together we create a community that is a beautiful thing to behold.  And for that, I am incredibly thankful.

Until next time,