Publisher Column: Bloom Where You’re Planted


A dear friend of mine was recently here to check in on a family member’s health situation, and we had time for a good visit. One of the afternoons during her stay, we found ourselves driving the roads looking for a stray dog that was reportedly in trouble. My friend is an animal lover in the biggest sense of the word and, in addition to making her happy, it was great for us to spend some alone time catching up. 

As we drove, I enjoyed the multitude of wildflowers lining the highways (particularly the bright yellow coreopsis so prevalent this time of year). During one of the many “crossing overpasses and turning around moments” we had, I spotted a little patch of flowers. I wasn’t sure I had seen what I thought I saw, so the next time we made that loop, I pulled over and stopped. My friend thought I had seen the dog and was a little sad when I told her it was something else and to stay put. 

There on the side of the highway, in a little crack, was a small bunch of bright yellow flowers. The flowers pictured are what stopped me. And they are what has had me thinking ever since. For almost three weeks, I have found myself getting lessons from those flowers. 

The first – Life is hard. Hang in there. 

The second – God provides. Even when it’s not what we want or expect, He will provide a way and a place. 

And finally – Be something beautiful when everything around you is ugly. 

I had no idea what would be happening in our world when I took that photo. I didn’t even think it would be published, or I would have done a better job and not gotten my finger in the top right corner! This photo was strictly for me. But as the weeks have progressed, and the lessons continued…I thought I’d share. 

Last month, I shared our newest family member with you. Needless to say, this last month has been one of lots of oohing and ahhing and baby snuggles–good stuff for sure. As we journey, let’s remember the least of these, like our Walker. 

Trust God. Hang in there. And be beautiful. 

Until next time, 

~ Karen