Publisher Column: It’s a SOUP-er Food!


Normally during this time of year, my column is almost always about thankfulness. This year, in spite of “the curse of 2020,” I have found things for which to be thankful. I think, if we are honest with ourselves, most of us have. Things like: extra time with those we love, our health, our friends, the communities we call home, and the realization that work doesn’t have to consume us. The list can go on and on, but that isn’t what this column is about. 

I want to talk about soup. I truly love soup. Our entire family does. In fact, my mom’s homemade beef soup is THE Stevens family Christmas dinner! I remember the year it happened…the year we all decided against another turkey and dressing meal and asked for her homemade soup. She was astounded. I also remember her saying it would certainly be easier to do than fixing that huge meal…and it was…until our family swelled so much she didn’t have a pot large enough for it! I don’t remember if we are now using two pots or three. I’ll let you know. 

I am unsure how soup got relegated to being a food for cold weather only, but I think it’s time for it to stop. Yes, I understand. Soup does warm you up when it’s cold outside, and cooler weather does make some people “crave” it, but so can good air conditioning in a restaurant in July. I’ve just never understood the mentality of those who push soup exclusively to cold weather months. Soup is hot. I get that. I also know that unless you’re ordering some type of sandwich plate in a restaurant, it is highly probable your server is going to say, “Be careful. This plate is HOT.” It’s not like we never eat hot food in the warm months. 

So today, I am standing up for soup. And bisque. And gumbo… chowders, stews, and broths. And let’s not forget Texas chili! You get the idea! The next time someone says, “It’s soup weather,” remind them we like hot food all the time, and ANY day is soup weather! (Except Thanksgiving. That’s turkey day.) 

From our family to yours, may you take a moment and count your blessings, and remember, “There is always something to be thankful for.” Be assured, YOU are on our list!