Slip-Sliding Away


Slip-Sliding Away

There’s a saying: “Growing old is not for wimps.”  It’s true.  Things to which I once never gave a second thought are now very real concerns.  Like falling.

During the recent deep freeze, my husband told me I didn’t even need to “think” about stepping a foot out our door because the entire walkway was a skating rink. I was glad to oblige, because falling is something I am incredibly good at, but rarely enjoy.  I was reminded of my college days out in Abilene.  Snow and ice were much more common there, but still only occurred a few days a year.  I remember my brother Ben and I were living in a house behind a shopping center.  The roads were coated in ice, but we thought it was a great adventure to “skate” in our shoes to the grocery store and home again!  There was definitely a tumble or two, but we never thought a thing about it. Those were the days (before new knees and the thought of breaking a hip)!

When I say I am incredibly good at falling, I am not kidding.  My husband said he is going to write a memoir for our children titled, Daddy Fell for Mama; Mama just Fell!

In our part of the country, there are very dangerous things you have to be aware of in order to stay upright. Recently, I was walking up to a friend’s house for a small group meeting and stepped on one of those “straight-from-the-devil,” spiky sweetgum balls.  I realized it just as my foot hit it, and there was nowhere to grab.  I fell very slowly–almost in slow motion–and basically just sat down (one of my best falls thus far).  The thing was, I had been to my Airrosti that morning; she had really worked on the muscle in that hip; and it was sore.  As I sat there in the 30-degree weather, I realized the cold concrete was a little like having an ice pack at physical therapy…so I just sat there a few minutes.  It then dawned on me I should probably call the hostess (in case they had outdoor cameras) to let her know I was okay.


Once the ice and sweetgum ball-falling seasons are past, it will be time to beware of the most dangerous thing in my house…the stray dryer sheet on the laundry room floor.  You have been warned!


Be safe, stay upright, and remember to tell our advertisers you appreciate them!


Until next time,