Thanksgiving Thoughts


November. I am quite certain that only a column or two ago, I was welcoming 2013! Where did the year go?

I can remember my grandparents telling me the older you get, the faster time seems to go. They were right. It doesn’t seem it could be more than forty years ago that my mom stayed up late making me a pilgrim dress and the bonnet head covering for the Thanksgiving pageant at Madisonville Elementary School. I can still remember the cafeteria stage, where we all lined up and did our assigned parts to make our parents proud!

I remember family feasts. I remember those who were a huge part of those celebrations, but have now gone on before us, and I am thankful for their memories and their role in my life.

This year, I am thankful for some other things we sometimes take for granted. In spite of all the political wrangling (and what I often deem ridiculous decisions on both sides of the aisle), I am thankful for America. I was raised to stop and think about our history—to think about what our predecessors did so we can live in freedom.

I am thankful for those brave souls who boarded a ship called The Mayflower—a ship not very large compared to the ocean it dared cross. A people who were determined to live their life free to worship God the way they wished without control from a state church.

I am thankful for those who braved a westward trail and settled our great state—for the hardships and suffering they endured to create a better life for their children.

I am thankful for Sarah Hale, an author who persevered in her requests and petitions to have this day declared a national holiday. And I am thankful for President Lincoln, who listened to her and declared this day of remembrance and thanksgiving every year.

This year, I especially thank God for the men and women who protect our freedoms and our country every day of every year–those who are spending this holiday away from their families and feasts. Those who are sleeping in tents and discomfort in a foreign land. Those who have chosen to work for you and for me, and are even willing to lay down their life for us, if necessary. Remember them this Thanksgiving…and be thankful.

Until next time ~ Karen

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