What God Hath Brought Together


If you’re thinking I’ve been to a wedding, you’re wrong.
Of course, when we hear those words, it’s often in a wedding ceremony where the minister is reminding those present, “What God has joined together, let no man divide.”
This past week, my husband and I took a 20th anniversary trip. We can’t quite figure out where twenty years have gone, and I know many of you feel the same way. While we were on that trip, I was thinking about my column and what I wanted to share with you…and those words came to mind. And yet again…you’re wrong if you think I’m going to talk about romantic stuff!
It’s weird – I know.
While we were on this trip, I was struck by the thought of the amazing team that we had left behind working on this magazine–a team that God brought together. You see, every single person who works on this publication came to us and wanted to be a part of it. How cool is that? This team wasn’t assembled through MY brilliance but by a planner who is way better than I’ll ever be! Take a minute to think about those people in your life who just “showed up” right when you needed them…it’s certainly something to be thankful for.
Last month, Claude Wooley (one of our writers) received the 2011 Media Award from the Texas Christmas Tree Growers Association for the article he wrote for Postcards Magazine last year featuring the Mill Hollow Christmas Tree Farm near Oakhurst. That was the very first story he ever wrote for us! You see, for every good idea that I may have, my team has five more. Thank you to Claude and to the TCTGA for the award.
We are honored.
So as Thanksgiving approaches, we urge you to extend your thanks to the wonderful advertisers who make this publication possible.
I also want our readers to know that Wes and I could not have chosen a more dedicated or professional staff of writers, designers, photographers, distribution reps and customer service experts.
Thankfully, WE didn’t have to!

Until next time ~ Karen