

A year and a half ago, I used that same single word to begin my column in the new Postcards from the Piney Woods magazine. Over the past 18 months, that magazine has become the most read and loved publication in the greater Huntsville area. Last fall, we realized we were really “on to something” when people from other areas (including out of state) began calling wanting to receive a copy of Postcards for themselves. They began to send in subscriptions

…and we’re a free magazine!

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Quite a few of those calls and inquiries we received were from right here in Montgomery County.

So welcome!

Welcome to the debut of the Montgomery County edition of Postcards Magazine!
I want to tell you just a little bit about what to expect from your edition of Postcards. We’ve found that the “thing” we were “on to” was… As our world becomes more and more global, we find that holding on to those things around us that make us unique becomes more and more important. And what makes a community more unique than… At Postcards we like to say,

“We’re all about you!”

We invite you to join us in this journey as we provide you a magazine to unite a community of friends. Share your photos, your favorite sayings, your ideas, and your funny stories. We welcome them all! And above all, share a “thank you” with an advertiser. They make this magazine possible. Welcome to the Postcards family
– we are delighted to be the newest member of your community!

Until next time ~ Karen