For the past two decades, I have run our businesses from a home office. There are definitely pros and cons to officing at home. The biggest pro being I can go to work in my pajamas. The biggest con being I never leave “the office.” However, one pro I most enjoy is having the opportunity to schedule lunch or coffee meetings with clients who are also friends.
This week, during one of those lunch meetings, my client Ruby Rushing and I were sitting in a booth. In the booth behind her was a cute little boy who kept looking over her shoulder and smiling at me. Of course, I smiled back. (And might have waved, too.)
Several minutes later, I noticed the cutie had crept down from his perch and was very slowly walking toward us. He stopped momentarily at the end of the bench where Ruby sat, and she smiled and spoke to him, but he kept walking with eyes on me. My initial thought was he was just exploring and checking out all the faces. Since there was another pair of diners behind me, I thought I would get the same hello Ruby did as he passed by. Instead, he stopped and began to climb up on the seat next to me. I was surprised, but even more so as he continued his climb, and without a word, reached up and hugged me! Then he stood beside me, very content to just stay.
By this time, his grandmother had made it to our table and was apologizing. I assured her there was NO need for an apology. Apparently, I resemble her sister, and he was very comfortable coming over for a hello and a hug! My new friend sat with me for several minutes. I asked his name, and he told me it was Camdyn Rash. I told him he had made my day. And he had.
In today’s world of distancing and avoidance, it was a precious moment that hearkened back to a few years ago–a time I hope we return to soon. A time of hugs and sharing…sometimes even between strangers who become friends.
Until next time,