Gimme a “T”


I had an interesting phone call a couple of weeks ago, and I have thought of it numerous times since.  A very nice lady called our office asking for more information about one of the Business Focus stories we had done.  She liked what she had read, and she wanted to know what I thought about this business.  I was happy to share!  After a nice conversation, I hung up the phone.  I decided what I was most happy about was that she trusted me enough to ask.  You see, I’ve never met this lady.  While I very much enjoyed talking with her on the phone, technically I am a stranger to her—yet she valued my opinion and input.  I think the reason is simple.  Because of this magazine, she trusts me.

Trust.  It’s such a special and fragile thing.  It is something we think of all the time when making decisions.  We want our readers and our advertisers to know we are going to make the right choice—that they can trust us to do that.  They can trust that we mean what we say…because we do!

Trust is certainly a thing to be treasured and to be thankful for.  We want you to know we do treasure your trust in us, and we are extremely thankful for it.  We are also thankful for each and every advertiser in these pages.  These businesses and organizations are what make Postcards Magazine a reality.  We could not bring this publication to you without them, so will you make some time this month to call or visit a few of them and tell them thank you?  We trust you will!

Trust. Thankfulness. Thanksgiving. I really do love this time of year.

Until next time ~ Karen

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