Liesa Hackett


Liesa Hackett

This local veteran is living proof one person CAN make a difference.

Liesa Hackett grew up in Crockett, Texas, the youngest of 5 siblings to her parents. “I call myself an old folk baby,” Leisa says. Her father was up in age when Liesa was born, and Liesa’s grandmother helped raise her alongside her parents – that being so, many of those closest to her were elderly.  This is something that would forever affect Liesa as she found her way in life…and found her calling.

The Call to Serve

When Liesa was a senior in high school, she found herself feeling the tug to get out of Crockett, Texas. Having already proven herself a hard worker and capable of leaving an impression – she was the first black employee at a local upscale restaurant and also the first black employee at a pharmacy in town – Liesa knew there were great things awaiting her future. Her supportive bosses encouraged her to pursue greatness in the form of becoming a doctor or an attorney, but with little funds for such a dream, Liesa set her sights on the ticket out of town that would align with her heart’s desire to serve – the military.

Leisa was only 17 when she enlisted in the army, and being under 18, she had to have her parents sign off on the decision. Liesa’s parents couldn’t have been prouder to sign those forms. So with that, Liesa was off to boot camp after high school.

Training kept Hackett in the states, but she would go on to serve a one-year tour in Egypt – and later Bosnia and Cozumel. Liesa started out with a finance/accounting focus in the army, but was eventually promoted to criminal investigator while serving. And she continued to serve proudly for fourteen years. Then…it was back to East Texas.

A Servant’s Heart

Instead of going back to her hometown of Crockett, Liesa would make a new home in Huntsville. One of her sisters resided there at the time, and Liesa also wanted to finish out her degree at SHSU.

After graduating, Liesa worked for 15 years as an accountant for the City of Huntsville. Now retired from the City, she owns her own mediator business called Crystal Resolutions, LLC and she pours out her heart into many organizations.

Liesa serves on the Board of CASA; she works on the Disaster Action Team of Red Cross; is an active member of Huntsville’s Lions Club; she serves on the board of the HEARTS Veteran’s Museum; and more!

Her “old folk baby” upbringing shows up in her daily life, as Liesa expresses it is her life goal to help the elderly and veterans. Being a veteran herself, she is the right person for the job – but her heart for giving is even more.

When a child who is in foster care needs an advocate, Liesa is there. If disaster hits and someone has a housefire, Liesa is there with her ADAT team. If you are a veteran who doesn’t know where you fit into the world anymore…Liesa surely wants to be there. She started a monthly breakfast for veterans at the HEARTS museum. One can hear in her voice how much the project means to her.

“My mission and vision is that veterans can come together to talk…many have PTSD. Sometimes you can’t talk to anyone or open up. This gives veterans a chance to come together and talk. We have benefits and resources we talk to the veterans about also,” Liesa explains. “There are people who come to talk to the disabled veterans, along with VA representatives.”

With an average of 100 veterans showing up for the breakfast each month, Liesa knows there are more out there who could benefit. “Please come,” she says when speaking on veterans who may not have community or a place to network about resources within the VA.

Additionally, Liesa has started a new program – Veteran’s Yoga – that can be attended twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday. “It has improved more lives than I could have imagined. I get to help seniors enjoy their lives,” Liesa continued.

The Why…and a Message for Others

When asked what she would share with today’s youth or young adults who are looking for their path in life, here is what Liesa has to say: “I love God. I love serving. It’s not cliché; it is deep in my heart. I’m grateful to be able to serve.”

Liesa shares that she has her aches and pains just like anyone, especially like other veterans. But as long as God gives her the energy for the day, Liesa says she will be serving and taking care of others. “Serving others is helping yourself more than you know. I truly believe that. Giving back is giving to yourself also.”

Liesa urges today’s youth to ponder on this quote: “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” –Muhammad Ali  “Think about what that means,” said Liesa. I’m thankful to be able to serve.”

Liesa’s life of service in the military, along with serving children, the elderly, and adults is a touching story that deserves to be championed. Liesa points to her parents when asked how she got here in life, saying, “I turned into my parents. Bottom line. I see them in me every single day. And my family says that all the time.”


The story of Liesa Hackett is told here in Postcards, but no doubt the story will continue to be told through all the lives she touches along her way. She makes it clear –as long as she is able, she will serve.

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