Meet Me at Baggage Claim | Postcards Magazine

Meet Me at Baggage Claim

Meet Me at Baggage Claim

Have you ever stopped to help someone push a broken-down vehicle out of traffic?   What about simply picking up an item for someone who dropped it, or helping someone move or load a heavy bag or other item?  Have you ever been on the receiving end of one of these quick, but thoughtful acts?


When we do so, we scratch the surface of Galatians 6:2, which says, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

The scripture and the Spirit call us deeper, though… closer to God and closer in relationship to those around us who are made in his image.  To grow our compassion, we should pay attention and take time to listen to learn more about each other.  We must get past taking the easy route of merely helping someone physically with their luggage.  What if we went deeper and were able to truly help them with their BAGGAGE?

We struggle mightily with this concept, even with those closest to us at work, school, church, and in our circle of family and friends.  Do we fear that level of closeness might expose our own burdens?  Are we unwilling to share our load with others?  That scripture is definitely a two-way street.  We must be as willing to accept help God has provided as we are to be an instrument of it to others.  Will we refuse his blessing and question the manner in which he supplies our needs?

All around us, people are struggling under loads of heartache, grief, depression, discouragement, guilt, and need.  There are days each of us as an individual strains to carry burdens.  May we all take a deeper dive through the Spirit, become better baggage handlers, and help each other along the journey.

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