Isaiah 117 House


Isaiah 117 House

“A girl walks out of school and heads toward her bus. Instead of her bus driver, she’s greeted by a stranger who works for Child Protective Services — a case worker. She doesn’t know this person, but she has to get in a car with them and drive to an office. She doesn’t know where she’s going. She only has the clothes on her back, what she took to school with her that day, and maybe some belongings someone thought to throw into a garbage bag when they were at the home earlier that day. They take her to a government building. It has fluorescent lights and cubicles, and she sits…and she waits. She’s listening to the case worker tell her private story over and over again. She doesn’t know where her mom is; she doesn’t know what’s going to happen to her; she doesn’t know what she did to cause this. And if she’s not placed before nightfall, she’ll be taken to a motel, where other children are also waiting for placement–and she’ll sleep there until she’s placed.”

This is how Krista Patton, the Expansion Coordinator for the Montgomery and Walker County site of Isaiah 117 House, describes removal day. But what if there was a home? What if there was a place that child could go where there was a volunteer to welcome her when she arrived? To clean her up and get her a meal? To get her some new clothes and pajamas? To assure her that it wasn’t her fault–that she’d done nothing wrong and that she was truly loved?

This is what Isaiah 117 House provides — a comforting home with friendly and loving volunteers who provide clean clothes, smiles, food, and a good night’s rest.

Founded in 2017 by Ronda and Corey Paulson, Isaiah 117 House provides comfort and care for children while they await foster care placement. Ronda says she had the first inkling of the idea that would become Isaiah 117 House when she and Corey were going through the process to become foster parents themselves. As part of their class, they were required to visit their county’s Child and Family Services offices in Tennessee. While there, Ronda learned children wait, and often sleep, in that same sterile, cold, and uninviting building while awaiting placement. She remembers, “And in that moment God said, ‘These are my children, Ronda. What are you going to do?’” Thus, Isaiah 117 House was born. Now there are 7 houses in Tennessee, 1 in Indiana, 4 more set to open this summer plus, over 30 additional sites on the way in 6 different states. The Montgomery and Walker County house is one of those planned homes.

Krista Patton, along with her husband Jascha, have undertaken the responsibility of bringing Isaiah 117 House to our area of Texas. “I was always interested in foster care,” Krista said. “Jascha and I both lived through childhood trauma, and we very, very much wanted to help children and give a hand up. So, we always talked about doing foster care. But we got married really young, and we had three children very quickly, and we were just overwhelmed and spread really thin financially and emotionally. We didn’t really have anything else to give.” But once their children were older, Krista felt the freedom to start exploring her interest in foster care again by becoming an advocate with CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates). Through her experience with CASA, Krista gained insight into the foster care system in Texas.

One day Krista learned that, in June of 2021, over 400 children in Texas spent the night in motel rooms while awaiting placement. “And I just couldn’t get these displaced children off my mind,” Krista said. “And Isaiah 117 House came to mind. I had seen a Facebook video of a TV show that Mike Rowe did called ‘Returning the Favor,’ and it just seemed like maybe the perfect filler, maybe the perfect solution for these displaced children. So, we [Krista and Jascha] went back, watched the video again, and we started praying about it.” 

“We were just reminded of Isaiah 1:17 and God asking, ‘Who’s going to take care of the orphans and the widows?’” Jascha added. “And we did take that first step, and it was a scary first step.” And when they felt like God blessed that step, they took another, and then another, and another.

The Montgomery and Walker County Isaiah 117 House celebrated their kickoff event on April 30th of this year. Krista and her core team of 9 individuals from both counties and all walks of life hosted the event to raise awareness about the foster care system, Isaiah 117 House, and their mission. Ronda [Founder and Executive Director of Isaiah 117 House] visited from Tennessee and shared her story and her hopes for the Montgomery and Walker County House. “What I have learned is that it’s not that God’s people don’t care,” Ronda said, “It’s that they don’t know. And once they know, they absolutely care. We’re about to see a huge number in this community be made aware of a day they never knew about [removal day] and be called to action.”

For the next several months, Krista and her team are focusing all their efforts on raising awareness. Krista spends hours each week visiting clubs, churches, schools (anyone that will have her) and sharing the story of Isaiah 117 House–teaching the people of Montgomery and Walker Counties that removal day is traumatic for our children. Our children feel confused. Our children feel unloved. Our children feel at fault. Our children feel scared and lonely. Our case workers are overloaded and doing their best.

There are several ways you can get involved immediately. First, you can help Krista and her team find speaking engagements. Krista said, “We want to share the story with everyone!” No group is too big or small for Krista to visit. Second, you can attend an Isaiah 117 House expansion meeting. They meet on the 4th Sunday of each month at First Baptist Church Conroe at 2:30 p.m. to discuss where they are in the process and how the community can get involved. Third, follow “Isaiah 117 House Montgomery-Walker TX” on Facebook or Instagram to stay updated. Lastly, they are still looking for land for the future site of Montgomery and Walker Counties’ Isaiah 117 House.

Every child needs to be reminded they are loved and they are not alone.  More information about the Isaiah 117 House organization can be found on their website at For more information about the Montgomery and Walker County site, email Krista at

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