I would not be surprised if, when you read the title of this column you thought, “Here she goes again about her grandbaby!” Well, now you can be surprised. That is not what I am writing about, but since you mentioned him…he’s adorable!
Today, while lunching at a restaurant with a friend and client, I noticed the plate on which my lunch was served. It had a sizable chip in it. The kind of chip, in my mind, that would warrant it no longer being in service. Apparently, the staff disagreed. Maybe the manager would have made that decision but hadn’t noticed? The problem with that theory is that it leads to the thought of, “What else has gone unnoticed? I wonder what other little things are being left undone?” Thoughts like that can lead you down a scary path, so I stopped.
Those who know me well know this–I am a nut about excellent customer service. I want everything we do and touch to show this. It is why things like the cracked plate get my attention. It is why I pay a little more to shop in local establishments who offer excellent service (Although, I do have a story for you for next month once I recover from the shame.). It is why I frequent the restaurants I do…you get the idea. You can tell when someone CARES.
I write this because I want you to know we care. Every single person who is involved in putting this magazine together for you each month really and truly cares about every reader and every advertiser we do this for. If ever you feel like we don’t, my email address is above. I want to know.
This month, take a moment and let our advertisers know how much you care and thank them for bringing you this issue. It’s a little thing, but it lets them know we love them BIG!
Until next time,