Stepping Outside Our Circle


Stepping Outside Our Circle

A few years ago, after my husband and I decided to buy property in a Huntsville neighborhood, we attended the community New Year’s celebration. We didn’t really know anyone and thought we might connect with new neighbors to be and make a friend or two.

We were directed to a table where two other couples already seated. They were clearly in a different stage of life – well into their retirement years.   As we visited with them over the course of the evening, we had fun and found some things in common, so we kept in touch.

Several years later, we stopped by one couple’s home for a visit. We heard they were having health struggles. We talked about getting together more often once we built our house. Then, much to our surprise, the husband said, “I have to ask you…why are you interested in us? We are so much older than you; I would think you would rather be with people your own age.”

If there was one thing Jesus was known for during his life, it was befriending people outside the social circle he was expected to keep as a male Jew. As He came in contact with women, children, Samaritans and tax collectors, Jesus always looked beyond differences or society’s labels and looked to their hearts instead. He knew their hurts and hang-ups, their sins and struggles–but loved them anyway.

It is easy to stay in our cozy, comfortable social circles with people who look, act, or think just like us. But what would happen if we chose to create connection with people whose lives look quite different than ours? We could talk with them and pray with them. We could even break bread with them. They might see Jesus in us, or we might see Jesus in them. And somewhere along the way, we might even make some new friends.

“There was a man there named Zacchaeus. He was the chief tax collector in the region and had become very rich… When Jesus came by, he looked up at Zacchaeus and called him by name. ‘Zacchaeus!’ he said. ‘Quick, come down! I must be a guest at your home today!’ Zacchaeus quickly climbed down and took Jesus to his house in great excitement and joy.” – Luke 19:2, 5-6

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